Saturday, January 01, 2005 |
1:16 PM | link
Whoever said boys were made of "snips and snails and puppydog tails" wasn't kidding.
(thanks, Ann!)
1:13 PM | link Handmade Deadhead doll (with Jerry's real hair, man!) comes with two extra brains. Which, clearly, the buyer could use.
(thanks, Michael!)
1:09 PM | link Perfect gift for the stripper clown in your life.
(thanks, unholyblob!)
1:04 PM | link Great for the do-it-yourself type who wants to make their own wig.
(thanks, Darren!)
1:00 PM | link For sale: Fast wheels. Total babe magnet.
(thanks, Mr. X!)
11:52 AM | link
"Due to poor health of the previous owner, the car is pretty much all there." And here we thought his poor health came from smashing the car into the side of a mountain.
(thanks, Matt & David!)
11:50 AM | link "I may consider refunding the full bid amount if the winning bidder sends me a video of the car being destroyed in some novel way, preferably with explosives or heavy equipment."
(thanks, Ford_SIX!)
11:07 AM | link Probably not the sort of thing you'd want to wear out in public.
Thursday, December 30, 2004 |
9:36 PM | link Hundreds of eBay auctions are promising to donate to tsunami relief funds. A noble gesture, but if you're going to bid on one of these please make sure you're giving to a reputable cause.
If you're looking for a group to donate to, I recommend Doctors Without Borders and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
I'll be back with more funny auctions soon, but right now my mind is on other things.
- Drue
Monday, December 27, 2004 |
11:07 AM | link Who needs lumps of coal when you've got eBay? Kids been naughty this year? Sell their presents online.