5:02 PM | link And here you thought she spent the day cleaning...
4:59 PM | link Let David protect your fine wood finishes.
4:57 PM | link Script? *blink* They had a script?
12:40 PM | link For sale: cheap! Autograph of a washed-up celebrity whose biggest claim to fame was having the lowest-rated TV show of all times. C'mon, it's only $3.00... won't somebody bid? Please?
12:32 PM | link Sadly, the sequel Mississippi Madam was a box office flop.
12:01 AM | link Well maybe they wouldn't have gone out of business if you hadn't stolen all those office supplies!
11:52 PM | link
"Oh Father, why hast thou forsaken me and left me in this hideous nightmare of a lamp?"
11:37 PM | link In an effort to appeal to the hip, trend-conscious youth of today, the Catholic Church announced it will replace the traditional communion wafers with hits of acid.
6:37 PM | link In this hectic world, it's comforting to know that people still pick up the telephone and communicate with each other.
2:47 PM | link "Gosh, Millie, I just love how you painted your bedroom! That color is really you!"
2:33 PM | link
Relax? How do you expect us to relax with you staring at us like that?!
2:19 PM | link This tramp has got to be the trashiest Barbie ever made! ... Any guesses on what she's doing to support herself now? Hint: Her arm is already raised to flag down cars!
2:00 PM | link Just another boy-meets-girl-meets-Martian story: "Tommy gets involved with his girlfriend on Mars and well-endowed Martian shows up and girlfriend freezes Tommy with ray gun and gets involved w/ Martian."
1:38 AM | link The perfect wig stand for those bad wig days.
1:33 AM | link For anyone who's ever dreamed of getting close to Rosie's ass.
1:07 AM | link Perfect for washing down a few fried baloney sandwiches and a handful of Vicodin.
1:03 AM | link
Smokey the Clown was a big hit at children's parties, especially when he did his famous cigarette trick.
12:57 AM | link "Eww, Mommy! Why can't I have peanut butter and jelly like all the other kids?"
12:52 AM | link Mrs. Cottontail always laughed when her friends asked whether her son Peter had any girlfriends. Just give him time, she told herself, and he'll grow out of this phase.
Wednesday, March 21, 2001 |
4:37 PM | link Y'know, we've been wondering what this internet thing is all about...
12:27 PM | link
Some skeletons are better left in the closet.
12:13 PM | link Must've been an ugly custody battle.
12:09 PM | link And remember, proceeds from this auction will help to defray the costs of Trene and Josh's relationship.
11:41 AM | link "Oh Mum, not steak & kidney pie again!"
(Thanks, Fred!)
12:05 AM | link "These are real M&M candies, not some cheap substitute!"
12:00 AM | link
"Breaker, breaker good buddy. This here's the Prophet of I-5, you gotcher ears on?"
11:48 PM | link What finer way to render a porn queen's best assets than with Play-doh?
(Thanks, Jesse!)
3:10 PM | link "The color of the two used queen size cotton flannel flats and pillow case are burgandy and the hair of four dogs really shows."
(Thanks, Sarah!)
3:07 PM | link As opposed to humiliating yourself on the Web...
(Thanks, Dawn!)
3:01 PM | link Dressing for Success, lesson 23: A necktie says a lot about a person, like "I'm a newbie" or "Charlton Heston is my hero."
(Thanks, Tom!)
1:13 PM | link "OK, now, in this next scene I want you to make a balloon animal shaped like Herman Goebbels."
1:34 AM | link
Are you worried about being struck by bits of the Russian space station Mir as it returns to Earth this week? We sure are -- which is why we're wearing protective headgear for the rest of the month.
1:23 AM | link For all you busy guys out there...
12:50 AM | link "Your wife, eh, does she like pictures, know what I mean, say no more, nudge-nudge?"
12:44 AM | link Louise was excited when Sean told her he'd bought her a special garment to wear to bed that night.
12:28 AM | link
"If you like your mannequins serious, this one is not for you."
12:17 AM | link Nine out of 10 focus groups responded positively to proposed improvements in our product line.
12:07 AM | link "What?"
"Ah thaid, thtop thtahing at me, bith!"
12:04 AM | link Gosh, we can't understand why such a classy domain name didn't receive a single bid.
7:46 PM | link "Today's sermon begins with a reading from the Book of Jon."
7:42 PM | link We can't claim to understand this seller's fondness for faux foodstuffs, but geez, couldn't they at least have picked better looking produce?