We thought you'd never ask. Find out what this is, who's behind it, and who's talking about it.


We love hearing about weird eBay auctions, so if you find any please tell us! Closed auctions are fine, and so are items from other auction websites.

We accept lots of different things, but please don't submit:
- anything with the words "fart" or "gag" in the title
- kangaroo scrotum purses
- joke auctions that have already been listed many times (ad space on body parts, 'haunted' dolls, clothes and paintings, Virgin Mary images on food, etc.)

Also, please don't send attachments or HTML, just URLs of funny eBay auctions, and tell us why you think the items are worthy.

So. Found an amusing, unusual or downright bizarre auction on eBay? Send it in!


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Saturday, November 10, 2001

10:40 PM | link
"Myrna, listen to me! You can not fly! Now take that thing off and come inside before the neighbors see you!"

10:03 PM | link
Funny, when we played doctor as children there was never a soundtrack.

1:01 AM | link
Larry was many things; an interior designer was not among them.

12:50 AM | link
Somewhere out there is a moose with one antler, and he ain't happy.

12:33 AM | link
Sister Mary really dug that crazy Jesus beat, Daddy!

12:24 AM | link
Go ahead, kid, just try and take the candy from my mouth.

12:04 AM | link
All the other cars steered clear of Todd.

Friday, November 09, 2001

12:28 PM | link
We wonder how many times they'll have to recount the bids to see who wins the auction.

Thursday, November 08, 2001

11:37 PM | link
"Some walnuts are missing."

11:30 PM | link
"Can I keep him? Huh, Dad? Can I?"

"Now Jesus, you know what happened the last time you had a pet..."

11:17 PM | link
Oh, damn you James! Mummy's going to be furious when she finds out! She'll probably send us back to the orphanage.

8:57 PM | link
Mommy, can I pweaf haf some more absinthe?

(thanks, Susan!)

8:52 PM | link
It probably doesn't taste any worse than lutefisk.

(thanks, Lisa, Patricia and James!)

8:49 PM | link
These boots were made for walkin'... (where, we're not quite sure.)

(thanks, Rachel!)

8:46 PM | link
Why some people shouldn't have digital cameras. Or trash cans.

(thanks, Misty!)

8:41 PM | link
Roy sadly realized that this wasn't helping his drinking problem at all.

7:29 PM | link
"Anybody know what time it is?"

"Sure, let me just check my- kapingggg! Um, sorry about that."

6:39 PM | link
Nothing like bringing a touch of the great outdoors to your desk.

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

12:42 AM | link
"Contains chloroforming, catfights, strangulations, belly button worship, foot worshipping, tattoo worship, posing and more." Wow, now that's a convent!

12:40 AM | link
Harry the Hedgehog was very excited by the discovery he'd made in the Burkhardt's garage and rushed back to tell all the other hedgehogs. Alas, he never made it.

12:29 AM | link
"Think Xmas"? Think again, sister -- no self-respecting bird is going to set foot in there.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

1:40 AM | link
For the third consecutive year, Rudy was voted Best Dressed Guard in Cellblock E.

1:20 AM | link
Throughout his youth, Edward dreamed of the day he'd become a dirty old man.

12:43 AM | link
There are some things you probably don't want to have embroidered across your chest...

12:28 AM | link
"This biker warrior head-hunter dude looks like he just surfed across the Pacific from Borneo, lookin for a Bud."

Monday, November 05, 2001

12:54 AM | link

Mary Lou always thought the claim that pets resembled their owners was just an old wives' tale.

12:47 AM | link
Good thing it's washable, otherwise all that drool might leave a nasty stain.

12:46 AM | link
That's nice, but we still don't want to go out with you.

12:20 AM | link
We thought they were kidding. Disburbingly enough, they're not.

(thanks, Jerred!)

Sunday, November 04, 2001

7:39 PM | link
Oh, look! The toothbrushes come in all the colors of the rainbow!

Another waste of perfectly good brain cells from Drue and Shauna.
© 2000-2005 Drue Miller and Shauna Wright. All rights reserved.