8:19 PM | link Maybe she's crying because people keep saying they've seen her in grilled cheese sandwiches.
(thanks, Terry!)
7:39 PM | link
"Garfield The Creepy Perverted Cat Withdrawn Riding Toy".
(thanks, Corey!)
7:36 PM | link There's camping, and then there's "camping."
(thanks, Gregg!)
7:27 PM | link Haunted dolls and ad space on your forehead are, like, sooooo last week - all the cool kids are now selling the naming rights to their babies and houses and pets and stomach tumors and... uh...
(thanks, Jason!)
7:03 PM | link Terri Schiavo may be resting in peace, but there's no sleep for legions of eBayers looking to make a quick buck from her death.
Most are offering the usual memorabilia, like magazines and domain names. But wait, it gets even weirder: you can also buy cufflinks and fan art, a letter from Michael Schiavo and possibly the most tasteless souvenir imaginable: a feeding tube crucifix.
(thanks to all who contributed to this!)
(also, while we have your attention, please make sure you have a living will.)
6:58 PM | link Some cooks have separate cutting boards for meat, poultry, seafood and produce. Oh yes, and human flesh.
(thanks, Claire!)
7:31 PM | link
That's funny, eh? Our neighbors up north are amusing themselves while waiting for the spring thaw by posting ugly objects on eBay. Members of a discussion board on eBay Canada are running a contest to see who can dredge up the worst item, from horrid lamps and bizarre clocks to really questionable clothing.
Search "UICTS" for more gems.
(thanks, Heather & Andrew!)
7:30 PM | link Now all you Trump fans can play along at home with The Apprentice: Home Edition.
(thanks, Aaron & Kari!)
6:55 PM | link Some people like to have sex in front of the window, though usually they're inside the building.
(thanks, Daniel!)
6:51 PM | link Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." At the very least, he's the light of your living room.
(thanks, Maggie!)
6:46 PM | link How to tell when it's time to leave home for the big city.
(thanks, April!)
6:43 PM | link "The actual plate and screws (that are still inside my leg) will also be sent to the winning bidder at a later date if they are ever removed from my body." If they aren't removed, can we have your leg when you die?
(thanks, Kevin!)
6:25 PM | link Will they still honor your bid if your last name is Satan?
(thanks, Buck!)